Multiline regexp and newlines

Hello Community,

Im trying to reject any newline in a string using regexp.
The string must not be empty.

Yes, this can be done without regexp.

So my Regexp is like:

“Match any character from the begin to the end of a string witch is not
newline, and ensure there is at least one character, and to this match
over multiple lines (so if there are multiple lines reject it)”

Results in /^[^\n]+$/m

My ruby 1.8.6 does:

/^[^\n]+$/m =~ “a\n” -> 0

without multiline flag the same:

/^[^\n]+$/ =~ “a\n” -> 0


/^[^\n]+$/m =~ “\n” -> nil

If I replace “reject newline” with “reject character x” it worked as
expected (x is ‘a’ in this example):

/^[^a]+$/m =~ “ba” -> nil

Is the multiline-regexp implementation broken or my multiline behaviour


Markus S.

Markus S. wrote:

/^[^\n]+$/m =~ “a\n” -> 0

without multiline flag the same:

/^[^\n]+$/ =~ “a\n” -> 0

The multiline flag only changes the meaning of “.” to include the \n
character. It doesn’t change the meaning of ^ and $ which mean
respectively “beginning of line” and “end of line”. True true “beginning
of string” metacharacter is not ^ but \A, and for “end of string” it’s
not $ but \z (or \Z if you want to allow a trailing \n on your string)

“a\nb\n”[ /^.*$/ ]
=> “a”

“a\nb\n”[ /\A.*\z/ ]
=> nil

“a\nb\n”[ /\A.*\z/m ]
=> “a\nb\n”

Yeah, it’s tricky.

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 01:49:23PM +0900, Daniel DeLorme wrote:

“a\nb\n”[ /\A.*\z/m ]
=> “a\nb\n”

Yeah, it’s tricky.


Thx, it works now!