On Sat, 2008-01-12 at 13:20 +0900, Brian A. wrote:
Thanks! - now I just need to work out how that actually works and then
work out how I can modify it to use command line parameters.
I apologise for replying to my own post but I have had a look at this
and read up about Procs and Lambdas and I can sorta see what you are
doing but would you be so kind as to elaborate on the code a bit? - I
think other people would find it useful as well . .
I’d be glad to. What question do you have?
I’ll come back to that after having another look at your code but see
below . .
[a, b, …]
[ [a1, a2, …] [b1, b2, …] … ]
or possibly use a hash with the key being a block-relative line
number, and the value being a list of field numbers. Or you may want
an external specification of the fields to extract - kind of like HTML
templating in reverse.
While I was waiting I thought I would go ahead and produce something
that would do exactly what I wanted and then get some feedback on it. I
wanted to be able to run a program with parameters eg
multi_line_cvs.rb filename.txt #lines_in_block #fields_in_line
arraycell1 arraycell2 arraycell3 . .
./t070.rb infile.txt 5 12 0,0 1,1 2,4 3,9 4,11
So I have produced this:
filename = ARGV.shift
lib = ARGV.shift.to_i # No. Lines In Block
fil = ARGV.shift.to_i # Max. No. of Fields to read In Line
infile = File::open( filename, ‘r’ )
count = 0
array = lib ) { fil ) }
infile.each { |line|
for field in 0…( fil-1 )
array[ count ][ field ] = line.split( “\t” )[ field ].chomp
count += 1
if count == lib
output = ''
ARGV.each { |cell|
output << array[cell.split( ',' )[0].to_i][cell.split( ','
output << “\t”
puts output
count = 0
array = lib ) { fil ) }
and this actually does just what I want and the output is correct on the
example above ie: “1 12 25 j o”
It obviously needs error handling and there are probably other
suggestions people can make to improve/replace it . .
The original question was whether something that would do this already
existed as a gem or library but it appears not . .
Philip R.
Pricom Pty Limited (ACN 003 252 275 ABN 91 003 252 275)
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