Multidatabase transactions

Hi guys,
I build a application with SQL server and Oracle. At the beginning,
there is no requirement to operate data between two database. But now I
access both database at the same time. I chose the ActiveRecord, but it
could not resolve this problem. Now how can I deal with that?
Thanks a lot.

2008/2/20, coolgeng coolgeng [email protected]:

I build a application with SQL server and Oracle. At the beginning,

there is no requirement to operate data between two database. But now I must
access both database at the same time. I chose the ActiveRecord, but it
could not resolve this problem. Now how can I deal with that?

I do not know of anything in Ruby land that would be able to do this
(which does not mean there is none). Basically you would need XA
support for this because we are talking distributed transactions here.
So the XA transaction would either have to be coordinated by Ruby code
or you would need a TX manager which you can access from Ruby like
this one for example:

It may be that you can solve this using database links in Oracle.
However I was not able to determine whether the linked database needs
to be an Oracle DB as well (I would guess so).

If you do not have strict TX requirements and do not need queries to
return data from both databases you might get away with using two
independent DB connections. But this does not give you 2PC.

Kind regards


Now I just try use commander like “transaction” to resolve this .
However it
still some bug in this. It can not act as ACID. So …
By the way, shall I migrate the data from one of database to another?
But I
do not think it is a good idea.

I mean in Rails. The key word “transaction” can resovle the Transaction.
However not for multidatabase transaction.
If I use the keyword ‘transaction’, some problems still come out.

On 20.02.2008 10:23, coolgeng coolgeng wrote:

I mean in Rails. The key word “transaction” can resovle the Transaction.
However not for multidatabase transaction.
If I use the keyword ‘transaction’, some problems still come out.

Sorry, no Rails experience here. I can’t help you there.



2008/2/20, coolgeng coolgeng [email protected]:

Now I just try use commander like “transaction” to resolve this . However it
still some bug in this. It can not act as ACID. So …


By the way, shall I migrate the data from one of database to another? But I
do not think it is a good idea.

With the little we know so far it’s impossible to answer this question.

