Multi User Blog

Hi everyone,

I’m sorry to ask this as I am such a newb at ROR and understanding it
myself. I have an application being developed for me, and one of the
purposes for my users is to be able to blog about a purchase of a new
home. the developer looks like he is struggling with it with not
understanding that ever user is to have a their own blog. I am
wondering, if anyone has any experience in how to integrate a blogging
software like WPMU (word press multi user) in to a ROR app… or a
similar blog app (already written for ROR) that would allow wildcard
domains, with user registration.


Having a full blown blog for every user might be quite some overhead
if you only need comments on purchases. Why dont you have a comments
class that belongs toa purchase and hopefully your purchase will
belong to a user. When a user gets assigned a new purchase, he has the
ability to create comments for them. Also, other users in the system
can comment on it too.

maybe this is not what you want though, but that is how i would go on
about doing it.

On Jul 2, 8:06 pm, Scott M. [email protected]

Its not crazy (the same architecture i saw at a video of zensiper at
rubyconf. The trouble i see is that you will end up having to maintain
two interfaces to databases sync them…etc. Plus there is a way to
give evry user a blog using plain restfull MCV pattern in rails, thats
the way i would do it.


On Jul 3, 4:27Â pm, Scott M. [email protected]

“Wolas!” wrote:

Having a full blown blog for every user might be quite some overhead
if you only need comments on purchases. Why dont you have a comments
class that belongs toa purchase and hopefully your purchase will
belong to a user. When a user gets assigned a new purchase, he has the
ability to create comments for them. Also, other users in the system
can comment on it too.

maybe this is not what you want though, but that is how i would go on
about doing it.

On Jul 2, 8:06�pm, Scott M. [email protected]

I was thinking more of at the registration of the user on our site,
basically we are doing a review site for new home builders in our area,
and we want to offer people the ability to blog about the home building
experience through our site. so during registration, we give them the
ability to select yes or no to having a blog.

Personally i thought we could do it as a Word Press Multi User
installation, and somehow have the registration ruby script populate the
correct tables in the WPMU DB, and just link to the control panels for
MPMU and our main site.

am i crazy at thinking this way?

Giving each user a blog is pretty simple actually and unless you have a
difficult architecture in your system, the average Rails developer
have no trouble getting this done. Perhaps you could bring another
developer in as a mentor to get you in the right direction.

Perhaps you could bring another developer in as a mentor to get you in the right direction.

Excellent advice!

Personally i thought we could do it as a Word Press Multi User
installation, and somehow have the registration ruby script populate the
correct tables in the WPMU DB, and just link to the control panels for
MPMU and our main site.

Take a look at Features |

It might do everything you want, and then you can have the Rails
developer concentrate on modules or other applications that really
need to be custom-written.

gbesch wrote:

Perhaps you could bring another developer in as a mentor to get you in the right direction.

Excellent advice!

Personally i thought we could do it as a Word Press Multi User
installation, and somehow have the registration ruby script populate the
correct tables in the WPMU DB, and just link to the control panels for
MPMU and our main site.

Take a look at Features |

It might do everything you want, and then you can have the Rails
developer concentrate on modules or other applications that really
need to be custom-written.

agreed with both of your statements, anybody want to get in touch with
me regarding what it would cost to bring on your services is welcome to,
scott(dot)mckay(at)controlaltdeleted(dot)com (just trying to remove my
name from being harvested)
