I am storing multi-lined information in a text field in the database,
and intaking it using a text_area field. When i output it, the
information is all streamed into one line. How can I output the
information with the line breaks.
I am storing multi-lined information in a text field in the database,
and intaking it using a text_area field. When i output it, the
information is all streamed into one line. How can I output the
information with the line breaks.
Replace ‘\n’ with ‘
’ (or ‘
\n’) in your string when rendering
I define the following method in one of my helper files:
whitespace character
def wrap_text(text, width = nil)
char_count = 0
0.upto(text.length) do |i|
point = i;
# reset the character counter if we encounter a newline
# before we’ve reached width characters
char_count = 0 if text[point…point] == “\n”;
if char_count > width
# once we hit the desired width of characters, start
# moving backwards one character at a time until we
# encounter a whitespace character
point -=1 while text[point…point] != " "
text.insert(point+1, “\n”)
# we’ve inserted a newline, reset the character counter
char_count = 0;
return text
I’m sure there’s an easier method for line wrapping (if anyone else
has a better method, I’d love to see it). I did come across the
following site earlier today, which includes a much simpler method
for line wrapping, although unfortunately it doesn’t work:
the method is the following:
str = “Hello. Ruby rocks. " * 50
while space_pos = str.rindex(” ", 80)
str[space_pos, 1] = “\n”
but it fails to correctly line wrap, since each call to str.rindex
doesn’t take into account where the previous newline character was
inserted… I just didn’t want to spend any time fixing it, since I’ve
already got a working line wrap method (albeit mine is a bit
You might want to use the simple_format TextHelper:
Returns text transformed into HTML using very simple formatting rules
Surrounds paragraphs with
tags, and converts line breaks into
Two consecutive newlines(\n\n) are considered as a paragraph, one
newline (\n) is considered a linebreak, three or more consecutive
newlines are turned into two newlines
Mike G. wrote:
I’m sure there’s an easier method for line wrapping (if anyone else
has a better method, I’d love to see it). I did come across the
following site earlier today, which includes a much simpler method
for line wrapping, although unfortunately it doesn’t work:
There’s an existing word_wrap TextHelper function that appears to do the
same thing as yours. It’s implementation is also a wee bit smaller:
def word_wrap(text, line_width = 80)
text.gsub(/\n/, “\n\n”).gsub(/(.{1,#{line_width}})(\s+|$)/,
Thanks Curtis, that’s good to know… Although I think I’ll stick to my
current method, as this one seems to remove lines with nothing but a
line feed on them, which I often have, since I’m displaying the
contents of user entered text in a
Thanks for all the help! I ended up using the simple_format helper as a
base, but modified it so that it didn’t put
tags around the entire
def simple_format2(text)
text.gsub!(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/, “\n”) # lets make them newlines
text.gsub!(/\n\n+/, “\n\n”) # zap dupes
text.gsub!(/\n\n/, ‘
’) # turn two newlines into paragraph
text.gsub!(/([^\n])(\n)([^\n])/, ‘\1\2
\3’) # turn single
newline into
Thanks again!
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