Mulitple submit button in a form

I’ve trying to find during hours why the params name of the buttons are
in my parameters…
I would like to know why submit button was clicked. I taught the name of
the submit button was in the parameters but it"s not.
Someone has an idea why?

<% form_for @image, :url => eval(@assist_uri), :html => { :id =>
:frmCropAssist, :class => :regular } do %>

<%= hidden_field_tag :crop, '', :id => :hidCrop %> <%= submit_tag 'Recadrer', :tabindex => 1, :accesskey => 'R', :id => :btnCrop, :class => :ok, :disabled => true, :confirm => 'Recadrer cette image ? (Cette opération est définitive)', :name => :resize %> <%= submit_tag 'Marge', :tabindex => 2, :accesskey => 'P', :id => :btnExpand, :class => :padder, :disabled => true, :confirm => 'Extand cette image ? (Cette opération est définitive)', :name => :expand %>

<% end %>


On 28 July 2010 14:10, Greg Ma [email protected] wrote:

I’ve trying to find during hours why the params name of the buttons are
in my parameters…
I would like to know why submit button was clicked. I taught the name of
the submit button was in the parameters but it"s not.
Someone has an idea why?

It should be there as params[:commit]. If it is not then check that
the html of your page is valid by copying it from the browser (View,
Page source or similar) and pasting it into the w3c html validator.
If it is ok then have a look at the html for the button and see what
is wrong. Finally try removing all the extra options you have on the
submit_tag to see if one of them is interfering.
