Hi all,
I’m having an error that I can’t figure out what it is:
This portion of code works perfectly by itself
config = [{:QuantityPer => “#{2+2}”}]
config.each { |xx| if xx[:QuantityPer].include? ‘#{’ then
xxx = xx[:QuantityPer].to_s
xxx = xxx[2…(xxx.size-2)]
puts xxx
xx[:QuantityPer] = eval(xxx)
puts xx[:QuantityPer]
as supposed
However in the middle of a routine throws this error:
mscorlib:0:in ThrowArgumentException': An item with the same key has already been added. (ArgumentError) from mscorlib:0:in
from ./xxx_master.rb:641:in `eval’
the line 641 actually is the one corresponding to the beginning of the
“config.each” statement and not the one for the eval…
Could someone point me in the right direction?
Thank you in advance
Eduardo blumenfeld
Hi Eduardo,
What is config’s type? Is it a regular Ruby list, or is it some sort of
collection returned from a .NET library? Maybe it’s one of the items in
config - could you provide a listing of the items in the config when you
the code? It would also help if I could some of the surrounding routine.
I do find it hard to believe that’s exactly what your code looks like,
unless you actually have a list of hashes where every key is
As an example, the following breaks:
config = [{:QuantityPer => “#{2+2}”}, {:foo => “bar”}]
… the rest of your code here …
Prints the following:
NoMethodError: undefined method include?' for nil:NilClass from (irb):28 from (irb):28:in
from (irb):28
from C:/IronRuby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:150:in eval_input' from C:/IronRuby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:257:in
from C:/IronRuby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:147:in eval_input' from C:/IronRuby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:146:in
from C:/IronRuby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:70:in start' from C:/IronRuby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:69:in
from C:/IronRuby/lib/ruby/1.8/irb.rb:69:in `start’
from C:/IronRuby/bin/irb:13
Thank you Charles for the answer,
config is an active record produced list, an array of rows brought from
a sql table that has one of its attributes (table column) =>
This is the portion of the code I’m using
config = Term.find_by_sql(“sp_someStoredProc @someparameter=#{param1}”)
config.each { |xx| if xx[:QuantityPer].nil? then nil else
if xx[:QuantityPer].include? ‘#{’ then
xxx = xx[:QuantityPer].to_s
xxx = xxx[2…(xxx.size-2)]
puts xxx
error line
xx[:QuantityPer] = eval(xxx)
error line
puts xx[:QuantityPer]
The error line line is the one I’m showing
While I was answering you, I think figured out the problem, (I have to
test it though)
The problem has to do with the fact that the active record model has
attr_readonly set as:
class Term < ActiveRecord::Base
What is puzzling to me is the cryptic error, not having a complete trace
the troubling gem (in this case the active_record) with this kind of
Thank you, Thank you
I will post the results of the test as soon as It works!
Eduardo B.
Hi all,
Unfortunately it didn’t work,
I believe that there is some kind of problem in mscorlib
when you try to do an eval inside a loop with active record objects.
Eduardo B. wrote:
Thank you Charles for the answer,
config is an active record produced list, an array of rows brought from
a sql table that has one of its attributes (table column) =>
This is the portion of the code I’m using
config = Term.find_by_sql(“sp_someStoredProc @someparameter=#{param1}”)
config.each { |xx| if xx[:QuantityPer].nil? then nil else
if xx[:QuantityPer].include? ‘#{’ then
xxx = xx[:QuantityPer].to_s
xxx = xxx[2…(xxx.size-2)]
puts xxx
=> “some_proc(argument,argument2)”
I see in the console the xxx variable…
if at this point I put this code:
puts “#{xxx}”
it just prints (again) the xxx variable without
evaluating it at all
if at this point I put this code instead:
aaa = eval(xxx)
then I get this error:
mscorlib:0:in ThrowArgumentException': An item with the same key has already been added. (ArgumentError) from mscorlib:0:in
Any pointers?
Is that an mscorlib bug?
Hi Eduardo,
This looks like it could be a bug in IronRuby… or possibly the
ActiveRecord adapter. That exception that is being thrown is from a
Hashtable or Dictionary; a value is being inserted with an existing key.
Typical Ruby code won’t ever use a .NET specific type such as Hashtable
Dictionary (of course), which makes me think that this might be a bug in
IronRuby… or possibly your ActiveRecord adapter (assuming it’s tailor
for IronRuby).
I’d hate to make you jump through hoops, but it would be great if you
lend me a hand in figuring this one out. If you could send me a small
repro, that would be great; baring that, I have some questions for you:
What sort of AR adapter are you using?
Could you give me the “actual” stack trace for this exception? This
do the trick:
… the line of code that throws …
rescue Exception => e
use the following to get the actual .NET/System.Exception stack
puts e.StackTrace
Hi all,
I finally solved the issue:
By calling another procedure and within that procedure do the eval, it
works perfectly.
However, this seems to be a bug anyways…