Just wondering if Ruby can access MS SQL2000 direct - not using ODBC.
Just wondering if Ruby can access MS SQL2000 direct - not using ODBC.
On Nov 10, 9:14 pm, johnf [email protected] wrote:
Just wondering if Ruby can access MS SQL2000 direct - not using ODBC.
Using the win32ole module (on Windows), you can access Microsoft SQL
Server databases via the ADODB object model.
Incomplete example:
cn = WIN32OLE.new(‘ADODB.Connection’)
rs = WIN32OLE.new(‘ADODB.Recordset’)
You can also use the MsSqlClient (crappy name, we haven’t thought of
anything better yet) and ActiveRecord:
http://rubyforge.org/projects/mssqlclient. It’s a C++ extension that
used ADO.Net.
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