For users of OS X Mavericks and higher.
MovingImages: An image file processing script tool for OSX.
The MovingImages project has not been developed for web development but
as a tool for users of OS X. I decided on ruby as the scripting language
instead of AppleScript as the language to drive MovingImages.
MovingImages is made up of a OS X Launch Agent (a user process daemon) a
command line tool and a ruby gem and all components are installed using
the MovingImages application which makes it easy to keep the components
of MovingImages in sync. The ruby gem is not currently available on
The third alpha version of MovingImages has been released. Release notes
are here: Register a .EU.COM domain today!
These slides describe what moving images is:
If you just want to use the included scripts please see the scripts
documentation Register a .EU.COM domain today!. There
are scripts that can be used from the command line and there are scripts
that you can run from applications like TextWrangler.
A couple of scripts provide access to many of the CoreImage filters to
apply to your images, while others do typical things like scale, crop,
pad, add a text watermark etc.
You can write your own scripts. There is comprehensive documentation.
The overview documentation is here:
Register a .EU.COM domain today! and if you use ruby to write
your scripts then reference documentation is provided:
Register a .EU.COM domain today!
MovingImages is fast. For processing less than 100 image files
MovingImages performance is similar to that of other image processing
solutions like sips, but with more than 100 files the MovingImages
equivalent can be up to 3 times faster at doing similar jobs. The
MovingImages scripts provides both scaling and export quality options
where appropriate.
There is also a few scripts you can run simply from within a text editor
like TextWrangler for those of you who don’t like using the command
There is documentation for using the MovingImages Framework, if you
would like to take advantage of the framework, please contact me.
The combination of the ability to draw images and shapes using
CoreGraphics plus the access to Apple’s CoreImage filter technology
makes MovingImages a fun place to learn about graphics drawing and its
speed makes it a powerful tool to get major work done.
MovingImages is in active development with new features being added
Please send all enquiries to e-mail support[at]yvs.eu.com