Moving ROR Dev from one windows PC to another

Is it possible to move the complete ROR install/development directory
or directories to new PC and continue to work/dev as the original one?
Are there any registry entries that would preclude this working on the
new PC?


On 4 September 2010 19:26, DMaster [email protected] wrote:

Is it possible to move the complete ROR install/development directory
or directories to new PC and continue to work/dev as the original one?

Yes, assuming you are talking about the rails application itself. You
will also have to install the development environment (ruby, rails,
gems and so on) in the same way you initially installed those on your
original PC, which depends on your Operating System of course. Just
install and setup the development environment and copy the
installation directories across. Though since you should have your
source controlled in a Source Control System (git is my favourite)
then you should extract it from there rather than by copying the

Are there any registry entries that would preclude this working on the
new PC?

That will be handled by the install/setup of the development
environment. If you are using mysgl or postgreSQL you may need to
configure that also.
