Moving from O.R.M. to O


I was reading some more Martin F. just now and then it hit me:

Rails spends a lot of time on Object Relational Mapping.

What if we could just skip that step and go straight to Object?

Best Regards


that’s an old discussion. ooDBMS vs rDBMS. main argument for rDBMS
(and therefore ORM) is, that these systems are widely spread (mySQL,
postreSQL, …). another point IMHO is, that most people are just used
to rDBMS and want to keep on using them. maybe with rails3 you can
switch between systems more easily.

MaD wrote:

that’s an old discussion. ooDBMS vs rDBMS. main argument for rDBMS
(and therefore ORM) is, that these systems are widely spread (mySQL,
postreSQL, …). another point IMHO is, that most people are just used
to rDBMS and want to keep on using them. maybe with rails3 you can
switch between systems more easily.

Actually ooDBMS and rDBMS are not the only two options. I’ve been
thinking about this issue a lot myself, and I know I’m not the only one.
There is a third option, which definitely look promising. I am speaking
of Document Oriented Databases such as CouchDB. There is already a lot
of work being done to integrate Rails with CouchDB.

Find out more here:

The reason is not that they’re widely spread, have you tried to run a
query against such tools? Have you ever tried to generatea report?
Have you ever had to shard or get them to work on a master/slave

OODMBS are still too naive for real use, at least when you need more
than just “store” data.

Maurício Linhares (pt-br) |