Moving development to Github?

Seeing as how the documentation is now maintained on Github, can we
please move development of the ruby-gnome2 libraries to Github as

2010/11/11 Nikolai W. [email protected]:

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I add my vote to the idea of using git.

Vincent C.


In AANLkTinHANWO2UVChNWh-cv5pSzacf=8=removed_email_address@domain.invalid
“[ruby-gnome2-devel-en] Moving development to Github?” on Thu, 11 Nov
2010 20:12:40 +0100,
Nikolai W. [email protected] wrote:

Seeing as how the documentation is now maintained on Github, can we
please move development of the ruby-gnome2 libraries to Github as

To do it, we need more resouces for release management. We
need to change release steps after our source code
management system is changed.

Now, release management resorce is just only me. Should we
use the resouce for it? :<

At least, we need to release 1.0.0 as soon as possible.

