Move pages and find_all?

Hi everyone!

I’m looking for some functionality in .5.2. I’ve searched the mailing
lists and documentation, but no dice. Any thoughts, opinions, patches
on the following appreciated

  • is there some kind of “find all” functionality? I need the <r:find
    url="/"> to recurse through children of children of children. If I’m
    understanding things correctly, <r:find url="/"> goes 1 level deep and
    that’s it.

  • any way to move pages?

Todd M


On your first point, look on the wiki or weblog for information about
creating a sitemap. That has the recursive-ness that you’re looking

On your second point, there have been several different patches to
handle re-parenting, but I don’t think the core team has accepted any of
them. There’s definitely room for another, if you’re up to the
challenge. Otherwise, you can do what I do: use script/console, find
the page you want to move and its new parent page and do this:
parent.children << child.


Sean C.