The 6th MountainWest RubyConf is now open for registration!
Some of MWRC’s sessions include:
- Gary Bernhardt from Destroy All Software on using cyclic patterns in
our industry for your benefit - Jamis B. from 37Signals on small, littler-known things that will
make you a better Rubyist - Yehuda K. on how to manage our growing reliance on the less-mature
world of Javascript - Steve K. on why what you know about REST is wrong, and the
future of web APIs - Angela Harms on how to un-suck pair programming
…and many other topics and speakers that we found fascinating, and
think you will too. We’ve packed so many smart speakers and people
into the same room that it’s guaranteed to make your brain hurt - you
know, in a good way. You can see the full list here:
Not only that, but this year we have added a full day of workshops
after the conference. These 3-hour, hands-on sessions are a great way
to deepen your understanding of Ruby. And they are a great option if
you are looking for some training for your entire team, because like
the conference the workshops are super affordable.
MWRC 2012 is a two-day single-track Ruby conference held on March
15-16, 2012 in Salt Lake City, Utah. After 5 years we’ve learned what
makes the kind of awesome conferences we want to attend: a conference
for hackers by hackers. And this one looks like it’s going to be our
most awesome yet. And it’s still just $100. But you ought to register
soon, because we keep the conference small and we tend to sell out
earlier each year.
Can’t wait to see you there!
~Mike M.