Most elegant way: array of files from array of directories

I have a array of directories passed into my program. I want a new array
which is a list of all files in said directories (only one level deep is
necessary). N.B.:

  1. Each elements of the new array must be an absolute (full) path, or at
    least relative to the cwd. (Assume all directories provided are also
    absolute or relative to cwd)
  2. OS and preference agnostic: Especially, I do not know what directory
    separator will be used (say, backward- or forward-slash) or whether
    there will be a trailing directory separator in the directory path (say,
    a trailing forward-slash).

Dir.foreach almost does what I want, but gives relative output instead
of absolute.

array_of_file_paths =

array_of_directory_paths.each do |directory_path|



On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 6:50 AM, Terry M. [email protected]

a trailing forward-slash).

Posted via

Probably not the most elegant way, but this can give you some ideas:

irb(main):032:0> Dir[“"].each do |f|
next if test ?f,f # skip the files
irb(main):034:1> puts Dir[”#{f}/*"].map {|x| File.expand_path(x)}
irb(main):035:1> end

You can loop around this collecting the subarrays and then flatten.


On 16.10.2010 06:50, Terry M. wrote:

a trailing forward-slash).
You can always use a forward slash in Ruby. Duplicate slashes are not
an issue either IIRC.

Dir.foreach almost does what I want, but gives relative output instead
of absolute.

array_of_file_paths =

array_of_directory_paths.each do |directory_path|



How about

array_of_file_paths = do |dir|
Dir["#{dir}/", "#{dir}/."]
end.delete_if {|f| test ?d, f}

? Of course, if you do not need hidden files you can omit the second
arg to Dir[].

Kind regards


On Oct 15, 11:50pm, Terry M. [email protected] wrote:

a trailing forward-slash).

Posted via{|d| Dir[ File.join( d, “*”) ] }.flatten.
select{|f| test ?f, f}

On Saturday, October 16, 2010 05:00:10 am Robert K. wrote:

there will be a trailing directory separator in the directory path (say,
a trailing forward-slash).

You can always use a forward slash in Ruby.

Also worth mentioning: I don’t know of any OSes Ruby supports which
don’t also
support a forward Slash. For example, while Windows typically uses
backslashes, it also supports forward slashes.