Hi All,
I am struggling here and would be most appreciative of any help.
I have a regular expression problem I can’t seem to figure my way out
of. I had sent a similar request this morning, and gratefully
received two emails from David Black and Axel E… Unfortunately,
I am still having difficulty.
I am trying to extract the font name attribute out of the following
xml (this is an excerpt of a larger file). The weird thing, is that
my regular expression correctly matches the text if I use TextMate’s
regular expression ‘find in project feature’ and with the freeware
Reggy regular expression test tool found on Google code. It also
matches correctly, if I text against a subset of the xml being
parsed. I.E., see this first example.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Created by Don L. on 2007-06-26.
Copyright © 2007. All rights reserved.
string = %q(
regexp = Regexp.new(/^\s*<Font-family codeSet="\w*" fontId="\d*">
if string =~ regexp
puts “#{$1}”
Result: Helvetica
However, if I run this script, there is no result.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Created by Don L. on 2007-06-26.
Copyright © 2007. All rights reserved.
regexp = Regexp.new(/^\s*<Font-family codeSet="\w*" fontId="\d*">
file = File.new(’/Users/donlevan/Desktop/DDRs/Apple Dealer Price
file.each do |line|
if line =~ regexp
puts “#{$1}”
I have looked at Hiproct and XML simple, unfortunately I can not get
TextMate configured correctly so I keep getting Loaderrors when I try
to use ruby gems.