Monkey patching class String to add bitwise operators

Hello all,

Unfortunately Ruby don’t have bitwise operators for Class String like
Perl do. I am hoping very much that such operators will be implemented
in Ruby one day at a low level so they will fast! But until such a day,
I will roll my own crude operators by monkey patching Class String.
However, I am experiencing a peculiar error from my Unit Tests:

Loaded suite ./test_bits
Finished in 0.000661 seconds.

  1. Failure:
    <“00110001”> expected but was

6 tests, 9 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Test run options: --seed 36958


Monkey patching Class String to add bitwise operators.

Behaviour matching Perl’s:

perlop - Perl operators and precedence - Perldoc Browser

class String

Method that performs bitwise AND operation where bits

are copied if they exists in BOTH operands. If the operand

sizes are different, the & operator methods acts as though

the longer operand were truncated to the length of the shorter.

def &(str)
new = “”

(0 ... [self.length, str.length].min).each do |i|
  new << (self[i].ord & str[i].ord)



Method that performs bitwise OR operation where bits

are copied if they exists in EITHER operands. If the operand

sizes differ, the shorter operand is extended with the terminal

part of the longer operand.

def |(str)
new = “”

min = [self.length, str.length].min

(0 ... min).each do |i|
  new << (self[i].ord | str[i].ord)

if self.length > str.length
  new << self[min ... self.length]
elsif self.length < str.length
  new << str[min ... str.length]



Method that performs bitwise XOR operation where bits

are copied if they exists in ONE BUT NOT BOTH operands.

def ^(str)
new = “”

(0 ... [self.length, str.length].min).each do |i|
  new << (self[i].ord ^ str[i].ord)




#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require ‘bits’
require ‘test/unit’
require ‘pp’

class TestBits < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_Bits_AND_with_equal_length_returns_correctly
assert_equal(“00001100”, “00111100” & “00001101”)

def test_Bits_AND_with_unequal_length_returns_correctly
assert_equal(“JAPH\n”, “japh\nJunk” & ‘')
assert_equal(“JAPH\n”, '
’ & “japh\nJunk”)

def test_Bits_OR_with_equal_length_returns_correctly
assert_equal(“00111101”, “00111100” | “00001101”)

def test_Bits_OR_with_unequal_length_returns_correctly
assert_equal(“japh\n”, “JA” | " ph\n")
assert_equal(“japh\n”, " ph\n" | “JA”)

def test_Bits_XOR_with_equal_length_returns_correctly
assert_equal(“00110001”, “00111100” ^ “00001101”)

def test_Bits_XOR_with_unequal_length_returns_correctly
assert_equal(“JAPH”, “j p \n” ^ " a h")
assert_equal(“JAPH”, " a h" ^ “j p \n”)

So, what is this error I see?



Sorry for the delayed answer, I have been away.

I fail to see how I can fix my code. Adding chr doesnt do the trick
(same error):

new << (self[i].ord ^ str[i].ord).chr



On Feb 23, 2011, at 02:12 , Martin H. wrote:

<“00110001”> expected but was

The first are composed of the chars “0” and “1” (ascii 48/49). The
second are actual ones and zeros (ascii 0/1):

% ruby19 -e ‘p “\x00\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01”.split(//).map(&:ord)’
[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]

The problem probably lies with your use of ord w/o chr.

On 3/3/2011 06:43, Martin H. wrote:

Sorry for the delayed answer, I have been away.

I fail to see how I can fix my code. Adding chr doesnt do the trick
(same error):

new << (self[i].ord ^ str[i].ord).chr

You can’t just call chr on the result if you want the character to be
‘0’ or ‘1’.

irb(main):001:0> ‘0’[0].ord ^ ‘1’[0].ord
=> 1

Like Ryan said, the ascii value for the character ‘1’ is actually 49;
however, you have the value of 1, the number rather than the string.
You need to add 48 to the result of your operation if you want to
actually get ‘1’.

irb(main):002:0> (‘0’[0].ord ^ ‘1’[0].ord) + 48
=> 49

You can then call chr on that.

irb(main):003:0> ((‘0’[0].ord ^ ‘1’[0].ord) + 48).chr
=> “1”

Doing this is going to break your other tests though since most of them
expect to be working with letters instead of numbers.

Your problem appears to be with how you expect to represent “binary”
strings vs. regular strings. You seem to want strings that look like
‘1011011’ to actually be converted into bit strings before processing
and then converted back to “binary” strings after. If you know
beforehand that you’re going to work with a “binary” string though, you
can easily avoid all your extra work by using String#to_i and

irb(main):004:0> ‘1011011’.to_i(2)
=> 91
irb(main):005:0> ‘1011011’.to_i(2).to_s(2)
=> “1011011”
irb(main):006:0> ‘1011011’.to_i(2) ^ ‘0000100’.to_i(2)
=> 95
irb(main):007:0> (‘1011011’.to_i(2) ^ ‘0000100’.to_i(2)).to_s(2)
=> “1011111”
