Mongrel2 0.6.0 Released

mongrel2 version 0.6.0 has been released!

Ruby-Mongrel2 is a complete Ruby (1.9-only) connector for

This library includes configuration-database ORM classes, a Ruby
implementation of the ‘m2sh’ tool, a configuration DSL for generating
config databases in pure Ruby, a Control port interface object, and
handler classes for creating applications or higher-level frameworks.


== v0.6.0 [2011-10-03] Michael G. [email protected]

Mongrel2::HTTPRequest enhancements.

  • Added #body= for rewriting the entity body
  • Added convenience methods for fetching the Content-type and Content-
    encoding headers: #content_type, #content_encoding
  • Switched the specs to use Mongrel2::RequestFactory for making
    request objects