Mongrel_rails cluster::stop not working


am a newbie to mongrel. am using mongrel cluster in my ruby application.

When i start mongrel cluster it is working fine and when i stop it it
says already stopped port 8000.

it is giving the error as follows

********* simple selection ********* ********* selection by list

-A all processes -C by command name
-N negate selection -G by real group ID (supports
-a all w/ tty except session leaders -U by real user ID (supports
-d all except session leaders -g by session leader OR by group
-e all processes -p by process ID
T all processes on this terminal -s processes in the sessions given
a all w/ tty, including other users -t by tty
g all, even group leaders! -u by effective user ID (supports
r only running processes U processes for specified users
x processes w/o controlling ttys t by tty
*********** output format ********** *********** long options

-o,o user-defined -f full --Group --User --pid --cols
-j,j job control s signal --group --user --sid --rows
-O,O preloaded -o v virtual memory --cumulative --format --deselect
-l,l long u user-oriented --sort --tty --forest --version
X registers --heading --no-heading
********* misc options *********
-V,V show version L list format codes f ASCII art forest
-m,m show threads S children in sum -y change -l format
-n,N set namelist file c true command name n numeric WCHAN,UID
-w,w wide output e show environment -H process heirarchy
already stopped port 8001

it is not taking the process ids from the pid file.

Please help me to solve this problem

When “mongrel_rails cluster::start” is run but does NOT actually
succesfully start up your mongrels, it doesn’t neccesarily give you any
error messages. Is what I have noticed. I have had cluster::start fail
but not give me any error messages.

So if cluster::stop is telling you “already stopped”, I think that means
that you never succesfully started it in the first place, you just
didn’t realize it.

So now the real question is, Why didn’t it succesfully start in the
first place, and how do you figure that out? That’s the trick, I’m not


Sankar Ganesh wrote:

g all, even group leaders! -u by effective user ID (supports
********* misc options *********

Jonathan R.
Digital Services Software Engineer
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
rochkind (at)

Jonathan R. wrote:

When “mongrel_rails cluster::start” is run but does NOT actually
succesfully start up your mongrels, it doesn’t neccesarily give you any
error messages. Is what I have noticed. I have had cluster::start fail
but not give me any error messages.

So if cluster::stop is telling you “already stopped”, I think that means
that you never succesfully started it in the first place, you just
didn’t realize it.

So now the real question is, Why didn’t it succesfully start in the
first place, and how do you figure that out? That’s the trick, I’m not


how to find out the errors?

but it is not showing any error when it is starting.

Mongrel clusters are processes running with determined PID’s , so if the
server cluster is running the pid is available, you can check this using
the grep method, for mongrel or else use the mongrel_rails cluster::stop
|| mongrel_rails cluster::restart.

still if you face problems may be you must contact [email protected]

I have the same problem:

andreasP:/var/www/web1/bla# mongrel_rails cluster::start
starting port 3000
andreasP:/var/www/web1/bla# mongrel_rails cluster::stop
already stopped port 3000

And no pid file will be created after starting the mongrel.

log_file: log/mongrel.log
port: “3000”
cwd: /var/www/web1/bla
environment: production
pid_file: tmp/pids/
address: (the server ip)
servers: 1

rails -v
Rails 2.2.2
ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [x86_64-linux]

** Daemonized, any open files are closed. Look at
tmp/pids/ and log/mongrel.3000.log for info.
** Starting Mongrel listening at
** Starting Rails with production environment…
send': undefined methodcache_template_loading=’ for
ActionView::Base:Class (NoMethodError)
initialize_framework_settings' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.2.2/lib/initializer.rb:529:ineach’
initialize_framework_settings' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.2.2/lib/initializer.rb:526:ineach’
initialize_framework_settings' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.2.2/lib/initializer.rb:154:inprocess’
send' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.2.2/lib/initializer.rb:112:inrun’
from /var/www/web1/aekschen/config/environment.rb:13
gem_original_require' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:inrequire’
rails' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/mongrel_rails:113:incloaker_’
call' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/../lib/mongrel/configurator.rb:149:inlistener’
cloaker_' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/../lib/mongrel/configurator.rb:50:incall’
initialize' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/mongrel_rails:84:innew’
run' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/bin/../lib/mongrel/command.rb:212:inrun’
from /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails:19:in `load’
from /usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails:19

I dont know whats wrong!

Greetings Chaos

** Daemonized, any open files are closed. Look at
tmp/pids/ and log/mongrel.3000.log for info.
** Starting Mongrel listening at
** Starting Rails with production environment…
send': undefined methodcache_template_loading=’ for

it seems your project was developed for an earlier version of rails.

From your rails environment config files you have to remove the line containing
cache_template_loading to make it work.
