Mongrel, development mode, and deleting/moving templates

I’m not sure what’s to blame, but it seems that if I delete or move a
template, restarting is necessary. For example, I recently moved a
partial from app/views/members/_login.rhtml to
app/views/members/_login.mab, after which I got a blank-page-of-death.
Once I restarted my Mongrel cluster, it worked. Shouldn’t changes like
this get picked up automatically in development mode?


On Fri, 2006-08-18 at 01:44 +0200, Joe R. wrote:

I’m not sure what’s to blame, but it seems that if I delete or move a
template, restarting is necessary. For example, I recently moved a
partial from app/views/members/_login.rhtml to
app/views/members/_login.mab, after which I got a blank-page-of-death.
Once I restarted my Mongrel cluster, it worked. Shouldn’t changes like
this get picked up automatically in development mode?

If you’re on a unixish system it might be faster to hit the process with
a HUP signal to do a soft restart:

killall -HUP mongrel_rails

This does a “soft reload” of rails, which means it also doesn’t work
half the time, but might work quick for stuff like this.

Zed A. Shaw – Need Mongrel support?