Mongrel on Windows:
Our internal app keeps dying with a seg fault. Is there a way to catch
this event with another app/Mongrel service, or something… to push a
msg to the client browser?
We need some way to notify the user that the server died. If we run
Mongrel as a service, I can set it to auto-restart, but the user doesn’t
know to refresh his/her browser.
Anyone have some ideas?
And yes, fix the seg fault is preferred, I know.
Steven Steven wrote:
Mongrel on Windows:
Our internal app keeps dying with a seg fault. Is there a way to catch
this event with another app/Mongrel service, or something… to push a
msg to the client browser?
We need some way to notify the user that the server died. If we run
Mongrel as a service, I can set it to auto-restart, but the user doesn’t
know to refresh his/her browser.
Anyone have some ideas?
And yes, fix the seg fault is preferred, I know.
On our Video on Demand website made with Rails, we use Nginx as the http
server. When it is properly configured, we have it display an html page
to notify people that the site is being updated (i.e: mongrels are down
momentarily), no need to add more software to detect the mongrels are
I can assist you for the config file if you use Nginx.
If you want the client to automatically refresh the browser after a few
seconds, you can do that using javascript.
Video on Demand training in French :