Hi everyone,
Anybody is using Mongrel cluster and log4r (FileOutputter) in production
I am using that 3 mongrel clusters on the same server, logging to
log/production.log with log4r FileOutputter.
But unfortunately my logs get somehow interlaced…
In one line I have a bit of log of process PID A as well as bit of log
of process ID B.
i looked a the Log4r manual about thread saftyness… i see nothing wrong
in my log4r config
Here is an example of log line I got :
< INFO> Aug 23 15:01:26 [4997]: Parameters:
{“user”=>{“login_email”=>“[email protected]”,
“challenge”=>“4c937c1698c583ff43afsdeb059cdf50c7c7a7c6”,< INFO> Aug 23
15:01:26 [5000]:
below is the my log4r config YML file.
define all loggers …
- name : default
level : DEBUG
additive : ‘true’
trace : ‘false’
- fastFileOutputter
- type : FileOutputter
name : fastFileOutputter
level : DEBUG
filename : "#{log_dir}/#{RAILS_ENV}.log"
date_pattern: '%b %d %H:%M:%S'
pattern : "<%5l> %d [#{pid}]: %m"
type : PatternFormatter