July Phoenix Ruby U. Group Meeting
Date: Monday, July 9, 2007
Time: ~6:30pm
Place: MWA Intelligence
See http://www.rubyaz.org/groups/prug/ for details, including maps and
Topics: Assorted
Likely talks/demos/previews:
- Web apps for Apple’s iPhone
- Java Swing GUI apps using 99% JRuby
- Finding god [http://god.rubyforge.org]
The Phoenix Ruby U. Group meets at ~6:30pm on the second Monday of
each month, barring holidays. Information may be found at
After the meeting (~8:30pm) most of us go off to Havana Cafe on Bell Rd.
and 64th St for more fun and fine conversation. If you can’t make the
Ruby meeting, please consider joining us for dinner. (We talk about
all sorts of things, not just Ruby, so it’s a good opportunity for geeks
of all tribes to hang out.)
Note: If you are thinking of going straight to the restaurant, please
call me (James B.) first to confirm the location. There have been a
few occasions where the restaurant was closed and we went elsewhere. See
the above URL for the phone number.
James B.
http://www.ruby-doc.org - Ruby Help & Documentation
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff