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Modular Arithmetic (#179)
Quiz idea provided by Jakub Kuźma
Modular arithmetic is integer-based arithmetic in which the
operands and results are constrained to a limited range, from zero to
one less than the modulus. Take, for example, the 24-hour clock. Hours
on the clock start at 0 and increase up to (and include) 23. But above
that, we must use the appropriate congruent value modulo 24. For
example, if I wanted to know what time it would be seven hours after
10pm, I would add 22 and 7 to get 29. As that is outside the range
[0, 24)
, I take the congruent value mod 24, which is 5. So seven
hours after 10pm is 5am.
Your task this week is to write a class Modulo
that behaves in
almost all ways like an Integer
. It should support all basic
operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, exponentiation,
conversion to string, etc. The significant difference, of course, is
that an instance of Modulo
should act modularly.
For example:
# The default modulus is 26.
> a = Modulo.new(15)
> b = Modulo.new(19)
> puts (a + b)
> puts (a - b)
> puts (b * 3)
As noted in the example, you should use a modulus of 26 if none is
specified in the initializer.
While most operations will be straightforward, modular division is a
bit trickier. Here is one article that explains how it can be
done, but I will leave division as extra credit.
Enjoy this test file as you get started…
require 'test/unit'
require 'modulo'
class TestModulo < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_modulo_equality
a = Modulo.new(23)
b = Modulo.new(23)
c = Modulo.new(179)
assert_equal(a, b)
assert_equal(a, c)
def test_add_zero
a = Modulo.new(15)
b = Modulo.new(0)
assert_equal(a, a + b)
def test_add
a = Modulo.new(15)
b = Modulo.new(19)
c = Modulo.new(8)
assert_equal(c, a + b)
def test_add_int
a = Modulo.new(15)
c = Modulo.new(10)
assert_equal(c, a + 21)
def test_sub
a = Modulo.new(15)
b = Modulo.new(19)
c = Modulo.new(22)
assert_equal(c, a - b)
def test_sub_int
a = Modulo.new(15)
c = Modulo.new(1)
assert_equal(c, a - 66)
def test_mul
a = Modulo.new(15)
b = Modulo.new(7)
c = Modulo.new(1)
assert_equal(c, a * b)
def test_mul_int
a = Modulo.new(15)
c = Modulo.new(9)
assert_equal(c, a * 11)
def test_mul_int_reverse
a = Modulo.new(15, 8)
assert_equal(77, 11 * a)
def test_non_default_modulo
a = Modulo.new(15, 11)
b = Modulo.new(9, 11)
assert_equal(2, a + b)
assert_equal(6, a - b)
assert_equal(3, a * b)
def test_compare
assert_equal(1, Modulo.new(15) <=> Modulo.new(30))
def test_compare_int
assert_equal(-1, Modulo.new(15) <=> 35)
def test_sort
x = [Modulo.new(15), Modulo.new(29), Modulo.new(-6),
y = [3, 5, 15, 20]
assert_equal(y, x.sort)