I have an ‘animal’ model that has zero to many animal_options that are
other models. Some of these animal_options are mutually exclusive,
like ‘wet’ versus ‘dry’ and such. How can I validate the animal model
to only contain one of these mutually exclusive options?
Breakpointing shows me that my code in Animal.validate doesn’t get ran
before the invalid animal_options get saved to the database:
class Animal < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :animal_animal_options
has_many :animal_options, :through => :animal_animal_options
def validate
# validate mutually exclusive options
dry = AnimalOption.find_by_name( ‘Dry’ )
wet = AnimalOption.find_by_name( ‘Wet’ )
if animal_options.include?( dry ) && animal_options.include?( wet )
errors.add( :animal_options, ‘Cannot be dry and wet at the same
time’ )
Another issue I’m having is how to make the options pre-selected when
editing an animal:
<%= select_tag ‘animal_option_id[]’,
options_from_collection_for_select( @animal_options, ‘id’, ‘name’,
@animal.animal_options ), { :multiple => true, :size =>
@animal_options.size } %>
I get no errors from that tag but it doesn’t pre-select anything either.
Any help would be appreciated.
Greg D.