Model validation failing in rspec for unknown reason

Hi, i’m getting the following error when running a spec on my controller
for my Equipment model.

it "edit action should render edit template" do
  get :edit, :id => Factory(:equipment)
  response.should render_template(:edit)

 Failure/Error: get :edit, :id => Factory(:equipment)
   Validation failed:

The test is very simple, it builds an Equipment factory and tests to see
if the edit template loads. This test works for every other model, and I
tried removing all validations from this model but still no luck.
Everything works on the webpage, just not in this test. I even created
the factory successfully in command line without error. I’m just stumped
as to what’s going on. When i use --backtrace, it doesn’t really shed
any light either. It’s just not saving because of an unknown validation

The only thing I can think of that might be causing an issue is an
inflection that i use for this model. Here it is:

ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
inflect.irregular ‘equipment’, ‘equipments’

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

On Tuesday, February 8, 2011 12:25:30 PM UTC-5, The Ultimation wrote:

Hi, i’m getting the following error when running a spec on my controller
for my Equipment model.

it "edit action should render edit template" do
  get :edit, :id => Factory(:equipment)

Shouldn’t you pass an ID to the “id” key, rather than a model instance?

Nick H. wrote in post #980380:

On Tuesday, February 8, 2011 12:25:30 PM UTC-5, The Ultimation wrote:

Hi, i’m getting the following error when running a spec on my controller
for my Equipment model.

it "edit action should render edit template" do
  get :edit, :id => Factory(:equipment)

Shouldn’t you pass an ID to the “id” key, rather than a model instance?

I’ve tried every method of passing the id in, still same error :confused:

I just ran into this. I had added a bit of code to allow reload
Factories in the rails console. This was causing the Factories to
reload on every request, resetting my factory sequences, causing the
validation errors. Hope this helps.