Model inheritance problem


I’ve bumped into the following problem. I have two models, one
inheriting from another:

class Message < ActiveRecord::Base

def reply_link
[returns string]


class SpecificMessage < Message


I use single table inheritance

When I render a view that includes


for a SpecificMessage object, it works fine once.
After that, when I try to render it for any object I get the error:

undefined method `reply_link’ for #SpecificMessage:0xb6813948

Is it a bug, or is there a mechanism I am not aware of?

Any help appreciated :slight_smile:

Best regards,
Adam Oldak

On 13 Dec 2007, at 13:12, Adam Oldak wrote:

After that, when I try to render it for any object I get the error:

undefined method `reply_link’ for #SpecificMessage:0xb6813948

That sounds like a weird Dependencies autoloading problem. There have
been a few people with those recently. In my experience they often
boil down to doing require ‘xxx’ when you should be doing
require_dependency ‘xxx’ or not requiring it at all.
