On 1 June 2010 14:03, Colin L. [email protected] wrote:
To some extent I agree with Tom here, ideally it should be possible to
get straight to the answer without going through the sql. The
condition is that the number of authors for the book should be greater
than 5 and
that published should be true, so the requirement is fully defined,
the question is how to tell active record that that is what is
required. To some extent the framework has failed (or one is just
trying to do something too complex for it) if one has to work out the
sql first then work out how to tell ActiveRecord to generate that sql.
Colin, I doubt that you or I would need to do the SQL first for our
own models; but I often do so anyway before writing a complex finder
as a safety-net to ensure Rails returns what I want. But if the OP
makes up an example that doesn’t match his models, then we can’t post
solutions. If he has no idea what the SQL needs to be to return data
from his database, then maybe there’s some more non-Rails learning to
It’s similar to the argument that anti-IDE people use; when they say
the IDE stops you understanding what’s going on underneath. Well, if
one doesn’t understand the SQL generated by a find, then that’s not a
great situation.
For instance, in an app I’ve worked on, there’s a Person model that
can have many Participations (not too dissimilar to Authors and
Books). If I want to return everyone with a surname beginning with “B”
who has more than one participation, I can use the following:
Person.all(:select => “people.*, count(people.id)”, :joins =>
:participations, :group => “people.id”, :conditions =>
[“people.lastname LIKE ?”, “b%”], :having => “count(people.id) > 1”)
… and frankly, I can leave the :select out if I don’t care about the
amount of Participations, to let AR do its thing
But unless the OP can be sure the results are correct for his
implementation (by checking it against a SQL DB query) then it strikes
me as a little bit of a worry.