I am writing a RoR application which connects to a noSQL database
In the database, I have an author document. The author has a first_name
and a last_name. It also have inside another document: a book. The book
has a title and a year of publication.
author {
“first_name” : “abc”,
“last_name” : “def”
“book” {
“title” : “the jungle book”,
“year” : “1922”
I am trying to define the Author model file so I can access Author’s
information as so related book information:
class Author < CouchRest::Model::Base
property :first_name
property :last_name
property :book
However, when in the HTML file I try to access to the book author’s
information, I get errors.
HTML example:
The error I get is:
undefined method `title’ for Symbol
It’s the first time I am developing a RoR application using a CouchDB
application, so I am pretty sure that the problem comes from the way I
am defining the Author’s model file.
Can anyone help me about that?
Thank you