Modal pop up

I have a link which opens the modal pop fading the background. I have
this line of code to create the pop up

<%= javascript_tag “new
Popup(‘new_author_popup’,‘new_author_link’,{modal:true})” %>

Popup comes up but the problem I’ve is everything fades including the
popup. I don’t know what is causing my pop up to fade away.

can anybody help me on this


are you using firebug? is the popup inside the body and you are making
whole body fade?


I’m calling the javascript inside the body, but placing it outside is
also not working. After coorecting a very small spelling mistake, I’m
getting the pop up at the center(vertically center, horizontally right
extreme)of the page but I get a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom
making my pop up nly half accesible.

where am I going wrong?
