Mixing a Array Object with ActiveRecord::Base Array Object

Most of You might find this very weird
but I have no way out of it

I have a method that return a Array Object

the method goes like this in User Model

def accessible_websites
if self.is_super_admin?

if Super Admin Display all Website

elsif self.is_admin?

if only Admin then display all websites only for the account for

which he is admin.
## display all the website for the account in the groups which he
is been assigned to(i.e Normal User)
self.account.websites.find(:all,:joins => [:group_websites =>
{:group => :users}],:conditions=>[“users.id =?”,self]).uniq

the code is made generic in User Model to avoid code duplication else

Problem is

If its a Normal User
the below code return a “Array” whose superclass is “Object” and not

Here what I meant

current_user.accessible_website.class.superclass => Object

current_user.accessibe_website.find_by_id() ## return error
current_user.accessible_website.find_by_status(“disable”) ## return
rightly so coz it not an Array of ActiveRecord::Base Object

Here what i meant

if Someone do this

Website.all.class.superclass => “ActiveRecord::Base” so the object is
still suitable for any further SQL related task like “find_by_id” etc

because the object return has a superclass “ActiveRecord” and not

So …
Is there a way can I Mix the “ActiveRecord::Base” method in “Array” of
superclass “Object” so that hence forth the object is suitable for any
further SQL related task

Viren N.

On Feb 7, 9:42am, Viren N. [email protected] wrote:

So …
Is there a way can I Mix the “ActiveRecord::Base” method in “Array” of
superclass “Object” so that hence forth the object is suitable for any
further SQL related task

Rather than calling find :all, see if you can use a named_scope (or
just plain scope in rails 3) instead
