MissingSourceFile... another post about this :D

Hi you all,

I was working with an app in my local server, with rails version 1.1.4

I’ve uploaded the app to a server with rails 1.1.2 and it gave me an
error when starting it:
“MissingSourceFile” draft.rb, in “models” directory, but the file is
there. Searching in this forum I have noticed it was related with a
previous version of rails, such as 1.1.2, so I’ve uploaded the server to
1.1.6. Now it does not work cause I have to order to restart it, I

Have I done it correctly? Or the error is for some other reason?


Damaris F. wrote:

Hi you all,

I was working with an app in my local server, with rails version 1.1.4

I’ve uploaded the app to a server with rails 1.1.2 and it gave me an
error when starting it:
“MissingSourceFile” draft.rb, in “models” directory, but the file is
there. Searching in this forum I have noticed it was related with a
previous version of rails, such as 1.1.2, so I’ve uploaded the server to
1.1.6. Now it does not work cause I have to order to restart it, I

Have I done it correctly? Or the error is for some other reason?


Well, having restarted the server, the error still appears… :frowning: What
can I do? The so missing source file is there! :frowning:

Damaris F. wrote:

Damaris F. wrote:

so I’ve uploaded the server to
1.1.6. Now it does not work cause I have to order to restart it, I

Hi Damaris,

Can you explain what you mean by the above ?

Is your app using gem rails ? Have you done a gem install rails on the
server ?

Did you do a “rails .” in your app directory to update any files there
to newer versions ?


I have a server … I put there the app I have in my local. Machine. For
that purpose, I created a new rails app in the server, and then I just
copied my local “app” directory to the one in the server. It’s a wiki
generated by sqliki-generator.
The “accounts_controller” worked in the server, but not the
“wiki_controller”, which returns the error:

Missing model draft.rb
RAILS_ROOT: /usr/home/dfuentes.demonrails.com/web/public/…/config/…

require_dependencies' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-1.12.5/lib/action_controller/dependencies.rb:70:inrequire_dependencies’
This error occured while loading the following files:

So I started to write “gem uninstall xxx” and I installed the latest
rails version with gem. I delete the app recently created in the server
and I started to create it again. But nothing has changed.
It’s not my app, I’m pretty sure, cause the “missing” file is there, and
the whole app is working on my local machine.
I have also done “rails .”… but nothing…

Thanks :frowning:

Alan C Francis wrote:

Damaris F. wrote:

Damaris F. wrote:

so I’ve uploaded the server to
1.1.6. Now it does not work cause I have to order to restart it, I

Hi Damaris,

Can you explain what you mean by the above ?

Is your app using gem rails ? Have you done a gem install rails on the
server ?

Did you do a “rails .” in your app directory to update any files there
to newer versions ?
