script/server show me:
Missing these required gems:
cucumber-rails = 0.3.0
rspec-rails = 1.3.2
You’re running:
ruby at /home/oren/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p72/bin/ruby
rubygems 1.3.6 at /home/oren/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p72@cms, /home/
Run rake gems:install
to install the missing gems.
gem list shows me all the gems I need (I use rvm with gemset for this
project, btw).
here is the gems section of the environment.rb
I believe the problem related to the missing :lib.
what does :lib mean, when do i need it and how to find the correct lib
in case it’s needed?
config.gem ‘mysql’,
:version =>‘2.8.1’
config.gem ‘thin’,
:version =>‘1.2.7’
config.gem ‘hoptoad_notifier’,
:version =>‘2.2.6’
config.gem ‘cucumber-rails’,
:version =>‘0.3.0’
config.gem ‘database_cleaner’,
:version =>‘0.5.2’
config.gem ‘rspec-rails’,
:version =>‘1.3.2’
config.gem ‘webrat’,
:version =>‘0.7.0’
config.gem ‘factory_girl’,
:version =>‘1.2.2’
config.gem ‘sparky’,
:version =>‘0.0.1’