Missing template projects/index, application/index?

Getting this issue…even though I have my views there in both the
and application. Also getting a routes issue "No route matches [GET]
“/projects” when going to projects when I have root :to =>
defined in my routes file.

Any idea?

  1. Creating Projects can create a project
    Failure/Error: visit ‘/’
    Missing template projects/index, application/index with
    {:handlers=>[:builder, :coffee, :erb], :locale=>[:en],
    Searched in:
    * “/Users/bradwrage/webapps/ticketee/app/views”


Finished in 0.10653 seconds
1 example, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/integration/creating_projects_spec.rb:3 # Creating Projects
can create a project

Randomized with seed 62008


Man…still can’t figure this out…

Please show us your complete routes.rb without comments and the output
“ls app/views/projects”, the contents of your ProjectsController could
as well.
Am 23.09.2012 23:32 schrieb “wragen22” [email protected]:

Are you sure that there is an HTML view as well in this directory "

here is what is in my routes

Ticketee::Application.routes.draw do
root :to => “projects#index”

As for the html view… i assumed my index.html.rb was just fine?

Please double check the name. It should be *index.html.erb not *
as you said.