We have a custom implementation of the Mother Object idea. It’s inside
of a module, basically like this:
module Factory
%w(account friendship person invitation message asset email_address
birth).each do |klass|
eval <<-EOF
def self.create_#{klass}(attributes = {})
default_attributes = valid_#{klass}_attributes
#{klass.camelize}.create! default_attributes.merge(attributes)
def valid_message_attributes(options = {})
{ #some message options
#more valid_x_attributes methods
When I require this file in a spec file, Factory.create_person works
fine. When I try to do it in a step file, Factory.create_person is
defined, but it fails because valid_person_attributes is missing. If
I’m in a debugger, and I do require ‘model_factory’ followed by
Factory.create_person, same deal.
Do we have a blank slate being loaded somewhere, and why is it wiping
out require files?
Your implementation looks so much like a ModelFactory my team
implemented last week that it’s scary. Anyway …
Is it a typo that you show the “create_…” methods being def’d as
module methods (i.e., “def self.create…”) while the
“valid_…_attribute” methods are instance methods? That would
certainly cause NoMethodErrors (though it would affect specs as well
as other contexts).
It’s not a typo. However, since I’m not the only one to think this, I
might make a set of module methods, which can be called by the non-
module methods to avoid breaking the current specs. Any idea why one
works (specs) and the other doesn’t (stories)?
When I require this file in a spec file, Factory.create_person works
fine. When I try to do it in a step file, Factory.create_person is
defined, but it fails because valid_person_attributes is missing. If
I’m in a debugger, and I do require ‘model_factory’ followed by
Factory.create_person, same deal.
Do we have a blank slate being loaded somewhere, and why is it wiping
out require files?
Actually, though, I think John D. Hume is right (and this is a
current bug with FixtureReplacement, as well): your valid_* methods
are not class methods, but instance methods.
I bet the reason that it has worked in the past is because rspec does
funny things with Module#include, and without having the time to look
at the source, I’d bet that rspec ends up delegating to the class
level (but story runner doesn’t) - giving you the appearance that
your software works, but in fact is just taking advantage of rspec’s
When I require this file in a spec file, Factory.create_person works
fine. When I try to do it in a step file, Factory.create_person is
defined, but it fails because valid_person_attributes is missing. If
I’m in a debugger, and I do require ‘model_factory’ followed by
Factory.create_person, same deal.
Do we have a blank slate being loaded somewhere, and why is it wiping
out require files?
Yep - this pretty much looks like version 0.1 of FixutreReplacement: