Missing helper articles_by_month_path


i use lastest typo from github, when running index page, i get fallowing

Showing vendor/plugins/archives_sidebar/views/content.rhtml where line
#6 raised:

articles_by_month_url failed to generate from {:month=>“02”,
:controller=>“articles”, :year=>“2009”, :action=>“index”}, expected:
{:controller=>“articles”, :action=>“index”}, diff: {:month=>“02”,

if in content.rhtml I comment this line, all works fine.

Le 22 févr. 09 à 12:22, Darius a écrit :

=>“02”, :controller=>“articles”, :year=>“2009”, :action=>“index”},
expected: {:controller=>“articles”, :action=>“index”}, diff:
{:month=>“02”, :year=>“2009”}

if in content.rhtml I comment this line, all works fine.


Cyril has been doing lots of changes on our github master (which is
NOT supposed to be stable and production ready), and I think he didn’t
update the plugins. Please, open a ticket if you want (or better,
fork, update and ask for pull on github :-))


Frédéric de Villamil
[email protected] tel: +33 (0)6 62 19 1337
http://t37.net Typo : http://typosphere.org