Missing database in RadRails

I’m just starting to work with RadRails and have a very newbie question.
I’ve worked my way through the AWebFactory DemoApp tutorial and started
on the Depot App tutorial but without the Subversion bits (I’m not ready
for sharing code yet and configuring Subversion looks complicated).

In RadRails, I created a new “depot” project and imported the File
System from my previous depot project that I created using Rails alone.
The code is there, and I can get to the login page in the browser. But
when I try to login (as dave) I get Errno::EBADF – Bad file descriptor

  • connect(2) –
    RAILS_ROOT: C:/RadRails/workspace/depot/config/…

When I go to the Data Navigator tab only the previous “demo” project is
there. There is no folder symbol at all for “depot”. How do I get to my
existing test data?

Already tried:
Windows - Preferences - Rails - Configuration: paths for Rails, Rake
and Mongrel
Windows - Preferences - Ruby - Installed Interpreters
database.yml file (not tab characters)

Thanks for the help,

They took the screencast that shows you how to do this off their site.
Luck for you, I have a copy. Reply with your email address and I’ll
send you the screencast, so long as you can accept 8-9 Mb attachments.

Also it does not sound like your new site has its database.yml file set
up right. I was just running into the same exact:
Errno::EBADF – Bad file descripto - connect(2)

If you do a search in this group for that error you will find how I
handled it.

Here you go. I just threw it up on a web server.


I forgot to mention that the data can be found by Rails itself (using
the same config files); it’s just that RadRails can’t find it.


More info: I tried deleting the depot project again and this time
instead of reloading it I pointed to my existing InstantRails depot
folder as the workspace. This gets the same problem (EBADF as soon as I
point to a page with data).

So I know:

  1. The depot app works when initiated from InstantRails using Mongrel on
    port 3000.
  2. The same depot app gets EBADF when initiated from RadRails on any
    port I tried (3000, 3010, 8000…) using either Mongrel or WEBrick.
  3. The demo app works fine from RadRails (does not use a database).
  4. I have had inconsistent results from RadRails on different tries.
    Initially, I was able to get the Login page from the depot app and only
    got the EBADF when I tried to enter data. Now it gets EBADF as soon asI
    point to the login page. Also, I swear I was able to import another test
    database into RadRails last week – but that was the previous version of
  5. My environment is Windows 200, SP 4, RadRails 0.7.1

Okay, so I tried going back to the previous version of RadRails (0.7.0)
and it seems to work fine. So I guess I’ll just forego the latest
features and stick with 0.7.0!


Thanks for putting up the video. I guess they took it down because the
newest version doesn’t look exactly the same. Anyway, I deleted the
project and reloaded it with the same steps as the video. Now I do have
the depot databases in the Data Navigator but I still get the EBADF

I searched on EBADF and found several answers (but nothing with Mr.
Interweb). But none of them seemed to work for me. I’m using RadRails
0.7.1, freshly upgraded. I tried moving to different ports and that gets
my Welcome Aboard page but gets the EBADF error on the login page.

When I go to the Data Navigator and try to open the development database
I get the error dialog: “Unable to connect to database, see log for more
info.” But I can’t locate the log view window. It doesn’t seem to be
listed under Window - Show View, and the help search doesn’t find
anything relevant.


Well, I spoke too soon.

I went to the previous version of RadRails and could see my data. But
when I later tried to open the browser I got: "Action canceled –
Internet Explorer was unable to link to the Web page you requested. The
page might be temporarily unavailable.
". I even restarted the computer and set up a new server in RadRails on
Port 3040 for the demo project - and the browser finds it at port 3000
but not 3040!

I just can’t seem to get the exact sequence of setup and config actions
to get everything working in RadRails. I thought RadRails was supposed
to be making my life easier!

I’ve tried from various different workspaces. Does that make a
