Missing critical module: "pygtk"


When I try to execute “Editor.py”. Gives the error message:

Missing critical module: “pygtk”


I search old discuss, but that is not much with me.

My system stats :

Windows + cygwin

GnuRadio 3.1.1

GRC 0.69

I am sure the “pygtk2 2.6.3-1” installed.


Open a python interpreter shell by typing “python” in the command line.
Type “import pygtk” and press enter. What is the error message?

Its possible that gtk is not installed.


It is probably installed, just missing in python path.

If you have slocate installed

locate pygtk.py
or if not

find / -name pygtk.py -print

Once, pygtk.py is found, you have to add its path to the pythonpath:
/var/lib/python-support/python2.5 is the path on my pc, I dont know
about cygwin

export PYTHONPATH=/var/lib/python-support/python2.5

See if the next command gives an error

python -c “import pygtk”


Yes, you are right.
I gat message:

“ImportError : No module named pygtk”

What I can do now?
I am sure I had select “pygtk2 2.6.3-1” in the Cygwin packages. Have
way to install pygtk when use Cygwin?

Thank your answer.


I have try type command “updated && locate pygtk.py”.
So, I get the result:

$ locate pygtk.py

Now, problem is: I don’t know how to find “python”, and how to add its
to the pythonpath?
But, I guess “/lib/python2.5” look like you say.
If it is, how can I do?

At this webpage http://www.gnuradio.org/trac/wiki/CygwinInstallMain
He tell me do type command: export
It like you tell me method.
But, I try already. It not use.

Anyway, thank you very much.

-JackyYang Taiwan

JackyYang wrote:


I have try type command “updated && locate pygtk.py”.
So, I get the result:

$ locate pygtk.py

I dont think pygtk is supposed to be located in the windows recycle bin.

Now, problem is: I don’t know how to find “python”, and how to add its path
to the pythonpath?
But, I guess “/lib/python2.5” look like you say.
If it is, how can I do?

Very important that the directory containing pygtk is also found in the
python path. Does that directory “/lib/python2.5” contain pygtk? From
the result above, I seriously believe that pygtk is not installed. You
can try downloading pygtk source and installing it:

Has anyone else used GRC + cygwin? Did you install pygtk through the
cygwin package manager (setup.exe?) or was it a source install?


Thank your suggest.

I try to download pygtk2.12.0 and install it.
But I get the error message :
Checking for headers required to compile python extensions… not found
Configure: error: could not find Python headers

So, I try type command “export
PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages” before install.
It not use.

Another thing, does that directory “/lib/python2.5” contain pygtk?
It is not.
This directory have “/lib/python2.5”, “/lib/python2.4”, “/lib/pygtk”.
At “/lib/pygtk” directory inside, it have a directory /2.0.

Anyway, pygtk directory is not in the /python2.5.

I don’t know, what I can do now?