Minor gotchas for jruby-1.7.5 on Windows systems


1st minor gotcha: missing .bat files.
=> When I performed some tests past 2 months on 1.7.5 dev snapshots, I
jruby-jars-1.7.5.gem most of the time, not the pure Windows installer.
During that time, I noticed that 2 .bat files were missing from the bin
directory: jgem.bat and rake.bat.
I originally thought this was due to jruby-jars-1.7.5 not purely
the final bin directory: I was wrong, the problem is present in the
official installer ‘jruby_windows_x64_1_7_5.exe’.

2nd minor gotcha (and again might just be me not having followed up on
either in code or on mailing list): jruby -b does not work anymore.
=> Has it been replaced by something else?

3rd minor gotcha: temporary copies of dll not being flushed in %temp%
=> now that the IRB console is fixed (
http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-6996), I noticed a temporary dll
created for each IRB session with some randomization in its name (ex:
jansi-64-865618016936410914.dll) in %temp% but not removed once IRB
is completed.
Is this a side effect of using jansi in a jni manner (like jffi-1.2.dll
had in jruby/lib/native/x86_64-Windows) ?
I noticed the path changed too for jffi: jruby/lib/jni/x86_64-Windows.
So apparently I also got a file (ex: jffi3091240192845677497.tmp) in
for this IRB session.

Beside these 3 minor gotchas, it’s a rocking release, really.
