Minitest/spec pull request

Hello, I submitted a change request that makes the failure output in
mini spec show the exact string of the describe block, rather than the
camel-cased version of the string.

I was wondering what people thought.


describe “A fool” do
describe “Running a fools errand” do
it “is impotent” do
true.must_eql false

  1. Failure:
    Expected false, not true.

This patch creates the following output:

  1. Failure:
    test_0001_is_impotent(A fool::Running a fools errand)
    Expected false, not true.

Converting the it block to test_0001_is_impotent is a bit weird too.
Maybe the method could just have ‘test’ prepended to the exact string?

  1. Failure:
    test_0001 - is impotent (A fool::Running a fools errand)
    Expected false, not true.

Thank you,

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Brian T. [email protected]

Hello, I submitted a change request that makes the failure output in
mini spec show the exact string of the describe block, rather than the
camel-cased version of the string.
Spec error messages show the exact text of the describe argument by btakita · Pull Request #4 · minitest/minitest · GitHub
Oops, I messed up the pull request. Here is the correct one.
Failure message contain describe text by btakita · Pull Request #5 · minitest/minitest · GitHub