mime-types version 1.17.1 has been released!
This library allows for the identification of a file’s likely MIME
contenttype. This is release 1.17.1. The identification of MIME
content type is basedon a file’s filename extensions.
MIME::Types for Ruby originally based on and synchronized with
MIME::Types forPerl by Mark Overmeer, copyright 2001 - 2009. As of
version 1.15, the dataformat for the MIME::Type list has changed and
the synchronization will nolonger happen.
Homepage:: http://mime-types.rubyforge.org/GitHub::
http://github.com/halostatue/mime-types/Copyright:: 2002 - 2011,
Austin Z. Based in part on prior work copyright Mark
MIME::Types 1.17.1 / 2011-10-23* Minor Enhancements: * Implemented
modern ‘hoe’ semantics. * Switched to minitest instead of test/unit.
- Converted documentation from .txt to .rdoc. * Removed setup.rb.
(Issue #3: omit setup.rb from gem · Issue #3 · mime-types/ruby-mime-types · GitHub). *
Should no longer complain about missing RubyGems keys (Issue #2:
missing key · Issue #2 · mime-types/ruby-mime-types · GitHub). * Added .mp4 and
.mpg4 as recognized extensions for {application,audio,video}/mp4
per RFC4337. (Issue #1:
Missing extensions · Issue #1 · mime-types/ruby-mime-types · GitHub). * Added
audio/x-aac and .aac per RubyForge issue #28054
(http://rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=28054&group_id=293&atid=1194). - Made it much easier to update MIME types from this point forward.
- Updated MIME types from IANA.–
Austin Z. [email protected] [email protected]
http://www.halostatue.ca/ http://twitter.com/halostatue