[METHODS] Var types as parameters


I want to pass an array as a parameter to a method. But the values of it
inside the method are always Nil.

Can this be done?

On 15/11/06, Flaab M. [email protected] wrote:


I want to pass an array as a parameter to a method. But the values of it
inside the method are always Nil.

Can this be done?

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Could you show us the code which is doing this?


Farrel L. wrote:

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

Could you show us the code which is doing this?


Yes. Here it is… The objetive of the program is the following:

  • The user inserts a string of 15 signs.
  • The program loads a .txt file with a bunch of strings of 15 signs
  • The program compares each string of the file with the one the user
    wrote, and returns the number of signs matching between ALL the strings
    in the file with the one the user wrote, but only beggining at a minimum
    amount of 10.

Here it goes




Definimos combinacion, subclase de array

class Combinacion < Array

@@quince = 0
@@catorce = 0
@@trece = 0
@@doce = 0
@@once = 0
@@diez = 0

def initialize(num)
 		@combi = Array.new(num)

# Devolver valores
def dame_resultados
	print("De Quince: ", @@quince,"\n")
	print("De Catorce: ", @@catorce,"\n")
	print("De Trece: ", @@trece,"\n")
	print("De Doce: ", @@doce,"\n")
	print("De Once: ", @@once,"\n")
	print("De Diez: ", @@diez,"\n")

# Comprobar los premios.
def comprobacion(combinacionTemp)

	#Valor auxiliar de acumulador
	@acum = 0

	# Empezamos a comprobar. 15 Comprobaciones
	0.upto(14) do |x|

		if self[x] == combinacionTemp[x]
			@acum = @acum + 1
		elsif self[x] == nil
			@acum = @acum + 1

		# Comprobamos premios e incrementamos variables de clase
		if @acum == 10
			@@diez = @@diez + 1
		elsif @acum == 11
			@@once = @@once +1
		elsif @acum == 12
			@@doce = @@doce +1
		elsif @acum == 13
			@@trece = @@trece +1
		elsif @acum == 14
			@@catorce = @@catorce+1
		elsif @acum == 15
			@@quince = @@quince+1
		end # Fin de comprobacion


	return self

end # Fin de comprobacion


Definimos combi, sub clase de String

class Combi < String

# Metodo de pasar una cadena a un array.
def to_a(cadena)

# Definimos
@arrayc = Combinacion.new(15)

	# Para cada elemento de la cadena
	cadena.each_byte 	{
						|c| # Construyo C
						@arrayc.push(c.chr) # Lo convierto en char y almaceno en un 

elemento de un array
return @arrayc





Inicializamos nueva combinacionc

cganadora = Combinacion.new(15)

Pedimos combinacion al usuario.15 Signos

0.upto(14) do |x| # Recibimos X como parametro contador

print("Partido ", x+1,": ")
char = gets

# Insertamos en el array
cganadora[x] = char

end # Fin de pedir combinaciones

Definimos archivo

$CFILE = “combi.txt”

Vamos a abrir archivo

File.open($CFILE) do |combi_file|

# Para cada linea
combi_file.each do |line|
	combi = line

		combinacionTemp = combi.to_a #Devuelve combinacionTemp y genera un 





---------END --------------------------------------------------

Hi –

On Wed, 15 Nov 2006, Flaab M. wrote:

  • The program loads a .txt file with a bunch of strings of 15 signs
  • The program compares each string of the file with the one the user
    wrote, and returns the number of signs matching between ALL the strings
    in the file with the one the user wrote, but only beggining at a minimum
    amount of 10.

Here it goes
combi_file.each do |line|
combi = line

  combinacionTemp = combi.to_a #Devuelve combinacionTemp y genera un


When you to the to_a, you’re going to end up with an array of one
element – namely, the whole line. I think you want to split it up
into characters.
