I am sure this is doable but I can’t find a specific example and my
brain is frazzled.
Basically, I am doing a whole load of in-place editing and need
methods to support the updates.
Surely there is a generic way I can do this so that I can do something
def set_blog_website @faq = update_column(:blog_website)
def update_column(column_name)
faq = Faq.find(params[:id])
faq.column_name = params[:value]<<-- here’s what I don’t know how to
faq.save! @faq = faq
Any ideas on how I could set the attribute? Faq is an
ActiveRecord::Base object.
I am sure this is doable but I can’t find a specific example and my
brain is frazzled.
Basically, I am doing a whole load of in-place editing and need
methods to support the updates.
Why aren’t you just defining it as @faq at the start? That would get rid
the needeless definition of the local variable “faq” and the line where
tell it the instance is the same as the local.