I have created a module as follows which adds an initialize method to
the class it is included in. The problem is that the initializer method
could be easily overriden by the includer Class. Is there a way to
ensure that the initialize method is run even though it may have been
module SomeModule
def self.included(base)
base.class_eval do
attr_accessor :fields, :x_position, :y_position
def initialize(x_position=0, y_position=0)
for field in @fields
eval "self."+field[:var] + " = field[:value]"
@fields = @fields.sort_by{|f| f[:order]} if @fields.find{|f|
I have created a module as follows which adds an initialize method to
the class it is included in. The problem is that the initializer method
could be easily overriden by the includer Class. Is there a way to
ensure that the initialize method is run even though it may have been
No there is none and I am not sure it is a good idea, as it is the
users responsability to call super.
But if it turns out to be a good idea than one could imagine doing
something like below, which kind of hides better what you try to hide.
I believe that hiding your own init method and assure it is called in
new might be a better model of your intent, initialize belongs to the
user after all, right?
module M
class << self
def included into
my_init = nil
into.module_eval do
### More sophistication can be added here to avoid naming
### in the includee (into)
define_method :my_init do puts 42 end
my_init = instance_method :my_init
remove_method :my_init
class << into; self end.module_eval do
alias_method :_orig_new_, :new
define_method :new do | *args | # more hocus pocus needed for
o = orig_new( *args )
my_init.bind( o ).call( *args )
class C
include M
def my_init; puts 222 end
c= C.new
Of course a user can still mess with C#new but your code might be save
from most common reusage patterns :).
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second,
it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Schopenhauer (attr.)
allowing you to extend the includee’s class, instances, and also keep
your private initialize private rather than dropping it into the
Well the simplicity and elegance of your code speak for themselves, I
would like to defend myself nevertheless;)
my aim was hiding the implementation even more, but as I put it
myself, that might not make sense very easily.
But I learnt a lot from your approach here…
Well the simplicity and elegance of your code speak for themselves, I
would like to defend myself nevertheless;)
my aim was hiding the implementation even more, but as I put it
myself, that might not make sense very easily.
But I learnt a lot from your approach here…
lol - my own code looks much more like yours. i go back and forth
with methodology. this week i am using modules
This is more of an aside then an answer to your question. But it is
important to note that you should not do the above. You are
“falsifying” inclusion and actually injecting code. The reason I say
“falsify” is because you end up with a module in the hierarchy that
contains no code. If you want to inject code, then simply define a
class method that does it. Don’t use the included callback.
BTW: To ensure a routine always runs on initialization despite #initialize, one way:
class X
class << self
def new(*a, &b)
o = allocate
The other is AOP which is a much larger can of worms.