Dear Rubytalkers,
I was thinking that one of the reasons for my previous suggestion
(combined with the suggestion of moving both inside the brackets) was
deemed troublesome was due to it looking too Smalltalkish, so perhaps
the following is better?..
Core.proposal.semantics(The Double Bracket Notation)
Core.proposal.syntax(‘end’ == ‘.’)
CoreLibraries.proposal(New Collections Types)
CoreLib.supercede(List, Array)
CoreLib.supercede List, Array
CoreLib.supercede List, with: Array # Using Ruby 2.0 syntax.
StandardLibraries.proposal(Replace Webrick with Mongrel)
StdLib.supercedes NewLibraryNameHere, OldLibraryNameHere
Libraries.proposal(What About If We Do X?)
Lib.question(about: LibraryNameHere, Should I…?)
Lib.announcement(name: LibraryNameHere, version: 1.0)
Lib.ann name: LibraryNameHere, version: 1.0
I understand that there is doubt as to the usefulness and the
likelikhood of uptake of this or any other syntax, but memes ain’t
memes unless they are at least given an initial vector.
I also realise that the strings should be quoted and that this
proposal is a little too cute, but ideas are for floating; and
sinking. Am I 100% serious about this? No. Am I 0% serious about
this? No.
Anyway, I apologise if the previous attempted usage was irritating.
For this to work there needs to be a certain amount of agreement, and
it at least highlighted the issue for discussion at this time, even if
without a comprehensive solution.