Hello all,
I’ve got a tricky puzzle.
Imagine I have a bunch of n RegExps r[] - they could be any valid ruby
Say I want to match each of them in turn to a certain something s to
make sure that no two Regexps in the list both match s.
Now say that I want a meta regular expression m that is all the
Regexps merged together so that the following pseudo code wroks,
m = MetaRegExp.new
for each r { [i] m.add(r[i]) } # add makes sure that no two RegExps
would match the same input
m =~ s # returns an int representing which of the n original RegExps
would have matched
Any ideas? Is this possible? If not I will have to code it in C and I
would have to code the RegExp stuff from scratch, which fills me with
Thanks in advance,
(I hope I have explained myself clearly)
Anthony D. asked:
m =~ s # returns an int representing which of the n original RegExps
would have matched
Why not just use the array of regexps like this?
matches = r.map{|i| r =~ s }
matches.index(matches.select{|i| i }[0]) # returns the int you’re after
Dave B. wrote:
would match the same input
m =~ s # returns an int representing which of the n original RegExps
would have matched
Why not just use the array of regexps like this?
matches = r.map{|i| r =~ s }
matches.index(matches.select{|i| i }[0]) # returns the int you’re
I guess you rather meant
matches = r.map {|i| i =~ s}
error = matches.compact.size != 1
Kind regards
Anthony D. wrote:
r[1] = /b/
m = Regexp.union(r0.source, r1.source)
but when I go to check s with
m =~ s
if it matches, i want it to tell me which of the original r[i] would
have matched!
Didn’t you originally state that you wanted to ensure that not two
match at the same time? I mean this is something different. What you
state can be done with an alternation - but you’ll only see one of your
sub regexps match, i.e. /(foo)|(bar)/.
See what I mean? Will I hack the Ruby source? Can this be done in
Ruby? Will I have to do it in C?
The first question is: can this be done with regexps? First of all I’d
like to hear the exact requirements before we go on with this. I have
feeling that they are not clear yet - or at least that they have not
become clear to me.
Thanks Robert, thanks Dave,
I see what ye both mean. I was more thinking along the lines of a
situation like this. To avoid iterating over the array, I would like
to compress the regexps into a large regexp while still preserving the
identity of each regexp within the meta-regexp, something akin to what
happens when the scanner of a lexer is created.
So, imagine this trivial situation…
r[0] = /a/
r[1] = /b/
m = Regexp.union(r0.source, r1.source)
but when I go to check s with
m =~ s
if it matches, i want it to tell me which of the original r[i] would
have matched!
See what I mean? Will I hack the Ruby source? Can this be done in
Ruby? Will I have to do it in C?
Thanks a million in advance again…
On 2/6/06, Anthony D. [email protected] wrote:
r[0] = /a/
r[1] = /b/
m = Regexp.union(r0.source, r1.source)
but when I go to check s with
m =~ s
if it matches, i want it to tell me which of the original r[i] would have matched!
How about:
class Regexp
class Union
def initialize( *regexen )
@regexen = regexen
def <<( regex )
@regexen << regex
def =~( other )
regexen = @regexen.select{ |regex| regex =~ other }
raise "ambiguous input" if regexen.size > 1
return nil if @regexen.empty?
return @regexen.index(regexen[0])
def []( index )
def self.union( *regexen )
Regexp::Union.new( *regexen )
r = []
r << /a/
r << /b/
m = Regexp.union( *r )
m =~ “a test” # => 0
m =~ “test b” # => 1
m =~ “none” # => nil
m =~ “ambiguous” # raises “ambiguous input”
Jacob F.
Jacob, Brilliant!
But… see my last post, i want to avoid iteration by merging all
regexps into one large regexp. However, this is absolutely beautiful
and correct. Taken with the replies I got earlier this is a great
Question… What would the following code output?
r = []
r << /aaa/
r << /[ab][ab][ab]/
m = Regexp.union( *r )
m =~ “aaa” # => ?
(I think I basically want to be able to twiddle with the finite
automata the regexps make when they are compiled/created, I dunno if
this is possible)
This can be done with alternation (which is what RegExp.union does)
but I really really really want to know which sub-regexp matched - I
can (maybe) sort out the derivative problem of conflicting sub-regexps
when the time comes.
So, think of the first requirement as wanting to know which sub-regexp
in an array of regexps that have been unioned or alternated together
triggers a match - the object is to save time iterating over an array
of regexps.
(I think racc must implent this algorithm somewhere, I know not where)
On 2/6/06, Anthony D. [email protected] wrote:
But… see my last post, i want to avoid iteration by merging all
regexps into one large regexp. However, this is absolutely beautiful
and correct. Taken with the replies I got earlier this is a great
(I think I basically want to be able to twiddle with the finite
automata the regexps make when they are compiled/created, I dunno if
this is possible)
Ah. Well in that case, I don’t think you’re gonna be able to play in
pure-ruby-land, since you’ll need access to the regex engine itself.
You might be able to do it with a combination of one regex for
alternation (“do any match”) and another for exclusion (“does just one
match”), but at that point you’ll probably be negating any speed
savings over the iteration (I assume that’s what you’re after).
Question… What would the following code output?
r = []
r << /aaa/
r << /[ab][ab][ab]/
m = Regexp.union( *r )
m =~ “aaa” # => ?
That should raise the “ambiguous input” exception, since both /aaa/ =~
“aaa” and /[ab][ab][ab]/ =~ “aaa” are true.
Jacob F.
On 2006.02.07 04:26, Eero S. wrote:
re = [‘foo’, ‘bar’, ‘baz’, ‘quux’]
regexp = re.map {|r| “(#{r})”}.join ‘|’
result = ‘baz baa foo guggeli quux’.scan regexp
result = ‘baz baa foo guggeli quux’.scan /#{regexp}/
r << /aaa/
Jacob F.
On 2006.02.07 02:24, Anthony D. wrote:
Jacob, Brilliant!
But… see my last post, i want to avoid iteration by merging all
regexps into one large regexp. However, this is absolutely beautiful
and correct. Taken with the replies I got earlier this is a great
If at all possible, I would use Strings:
re = [‘foo’, ‘bar’, ‘baz’, ‘quux’]
regexp = re.map {|r| “(#{r})”}.join ‘|’
result = ‘baz baa foo guggeli quux’.scan regexp
p result
You may need to tweak the regexp/builder a bit to
for example ensure there is whitespace on either
side or something.
automata the regexps make when they are compiled/created, I dunno if
but when I go to check s with
m =~ s
if it matches, i want it to tell me which of the original r[i] would have matched!
Jacob F.