Mental extension development help

I’m trying to port the rss behavior to an extension for use in mental.
I can’t find anything talking about how to develop extensions, so I’m
baseing this off looking at hello_tag example.
I’ve created two files:
rss_reader_extension.rb that looks like this:

and lib/rss_reader.lib:

Sorry, accidentally hit send (I’ve gone brain dead looking for stuff
on extensions).

Anyway, this is obviously not working, but I have no idea where to go
from here.
Can anyone jump in and help here? I’m not sure what has changed from
the old system to the new, so I have no idea what I need to change.

BJ Clark

When I created an extension I followed this blog post:

and it worked for me.

I was in IRC but you weren’t responding. Please shoot me an email at
bjclark [at] scidept dot com.

Michael - thanks for the link.


I’m trying to port the rss behavior to an extension for use in mental.
I can’t find anything talking about how to develop extensions, so I’m
baseing this off looking at hello_tag example.

What, if anything is happening? Put some print statements into your
rss_reader_extension file to show if it’s being loaded.

Have you put your extensions files under vendor/extensions/rss_reader ?

BJ and I worked through the issues on this over IRC today and cleaned
everything up into an acceptable port to extension. He’ll be doing
officially announcing and offering it up on the group today or tomorrow.

On Jan 21, 2007, at 6:11 PM, Daniel S. wrote:

Radiant mailing list
Post: [email protected]

Loren J.
[email protected]


If we can meet on IRC today or tomorrow we could maybe work on this
together. I was planning on porting the RSS behavior this week anyway
so I can convert one of our sites that needs it but also needs to go

I’ll get on the #radiantcms IRC channel at 2:30 PM MST and hang-out
there until 5ish. Let me know if you want to setup something for
tomorrow instead.
