Memory allocation failure: heavy files

Seems like any combo I try, eventually it lands me in a NoMemory error.
I’ve tried:

file =

file.each{|data| @store << data}

@large = @store.to_s.split(" ") do |file|
data = file.gets.to_s.split(" ")

(this appears to be the most inefficient one)
file = File.readlines(datafile)
file.each{|data| @store << data}
@large = @store.to_s.split(" ")

And this is with only a 24mb datafile, to which effect I had to split
the file.
The total size of the file is around 250-300mb.

Code inefficiency issue?


  • Mac

On 5 Apr 2008, at 20:58, Michael L. wrote:

@large = @store.to_s.split(" ")

Posted via

You’ll want to buffer data reads, and do the splits on data that’s
buffered properly and completely. Many of the operations there slurp
or are never dropping data. If you have a very long line, there may
be more work required, too, also dependent on ram.

Effect achieved via:

@store = []
IO.foreach(“testpart.txt”){|x| @store << x.split(" ").grep(/#{format}/)}

#format is a Regexp

  • Mac

Robert K. wrote:

On 06.04.2008 00:52, Michael L. wrote:

Effect achieved via:

@store = []
IO.foreach(“testpart.txt”){|x| @store << x.split(" ").grep(/#{format}/)}

#format is a Regexp

If format is a regular expression why then don’t you do

Kind regards


Just a habit, both ways work.

On 06.04.2008 00:52, Michael L. wrote:

Effect achieved via:

@store = []
IO.foreach(“testpart.txt”){|x| @store << x.split(" ").grep(/#{format}/)}

#format is a Regexp

If format is a regular expression why then don’t you do

Kind regards
