Memcache Replication


I want to know that whether there is any possiblity for replicationg the
data stored in memcache server among multiple memcache servers.

I have 5 memcache servers in different places.

I need to replicate the data stored in one memcache server to all the
other servers also - redundancy.

So that if any server went completely down i can have all the memcache
data in other servers too…

Thanks if any one help me in this.

Thanks & regards,


[email protected]wrote:


If you need replication/high availability for cached objects, I’d
you to examine Tokyo Tyrant and Tokyo Cabinet, as a replacement of
Memcached. Tokyo Tyrant acts as a network interface for concurrent
access to
Tokyo Cabinet databases -your persistence layer-, implementing memcached
protocol. Thus you don’t need to alter your memcached clients.

And you have ruby bindings for that :slight_smile:

Hope it helps


This should be (and has often been) asked on the memcached list, but I
answer here.

No, there is no replication in memcached. Memcached is simply a cache,
not a
durable data store.


On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 3:49 AM, Barak I.