hello friends
is there any gem which do the almost the function what mechanize do… i
need to check the loginname for diff diff sites.
basically i am facing problem with the myspace rest almost all site
authentication is working fine.
On Apr 10, 2007, at 6:57 AM, Andy PS wrote:
basically i am facing problem with the myspace rest almost all site
authentication is working fine.
Just read a blog post about this last week:
Michael D. Ivey wrote:
On Apr 10, 2007, at 6:57 AM, Andy PS wrote:
basically i am facing problem with the myspace rest almost all site
authentication is working fine.Just read a blog post about this last week:
Avoiding MySpace (or, cross-posting with WWW::Mechanize) – James Stewart
Hello friends,
Just wanted to know is there any other gem or plugin which has the same
functionality what mechanize do if so then please let me know thanks